The One with the Woods in the Trees

Preface: I sincerely meant to post more this year. I have at least ten drafts of shoots that I love and wanted to fully share. The only problem is... there just isn't enough time in the days, weeks, or months.  Right now, writing this is technically procrastination, even though it's something I should've been doing all along, because I'm avoiding editing the 6 shoots in my queue, laundry, working out, wedding thank you notes, Christmas cards, and at least five other tasks that are more pressing than keeping my website up to date. But every month that I realize I haven't posted, I feel guilty. I feel like I'm neglecting my website! I'm sorry website. I haven't looked at you in months. You deserve better. So I'm going to be better. I'm not going to over promise here. I probably won't be able to post once a week, maybe not even once a month. I think every other month is more realistic, although not fair to the many shoots that I won't get to share. So there's my new resolution. Now then. On to your irregularly scheduled program. 

Alright let's start this season off right with Christmas photos!! Y'all know I love my Christmas tree farm location. I consider myself very lucky that 50 years ago my dad went to school and became friends with someone whose front yard happens to be a casual Christmas tree farm in Raleigh. VEE LUCKY. When I get to shoot there, I try to arrive early or stay late and just walk around to enjoy the holiday spirit. Christmas is the best. And nobody will ever convince me otherwise. Basically, looking at these pictures makes me happy, and hopefully they will make you feel happy too. So here are the photos from my first Christmas tree farm session this year! 
                                                                     When your dad says, "We can get doughnuts after this."↑↑

How cute is this little family?! SUPER FRIGGIN' CUTE AMIRIGHT?!

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